Monday, April 19, 2010

Iron Rich Foods

Today we have a lot of iron rich foods. In fact, it is hard to find a breakfast cereal that is not fortified with iron. However, here I want to talk about other sources of iron, maybe not so conventional. First, let’s talk about your needs for iron. That varies depending on age and gender. Infants, for example, actually need more iron than an adult male! Did you know that? Breast milk is actually a terrific source of iron, while cow’s milk has no iron. This is why it is recommended to breast-feed newborns and infants up until the first year o life. We older folks, however, need other sources of this wonderful mineral. This table shows how much iron we need, according to age and gender:

Infant, 0–6 months0.27 milligrams
Infant, 7–12 months11 milligrams
Child, 1–3 years7 milligrams
Child, 4–8 years10 milligrams
Male, 9–13 years8 milligrams
Male, 14–18 years11 milligrams
Male, 19–50 years8 milligrams
Male, 51–70 years8 milligrams
Female, 9–13 years8 milligrams
Female, 14–18 years15 milligrams
Female, 19–30 years18 milligrams
Female, 31–50 years18 milligrams
Female, 51–70 years8 milligrams
Pregnancy, younger than 18 years27 milligrams
Pregnancy27 milligrams
Lactation10 milligrams

Iron Rich Foods

Now, let’s talk about food. These are some good sources of iron:

1 oz pumpkin seeds, roasted4.2 milligrams
1/4 block tofu1.3 milligrams
1/4 cup sunflower seeds1.22 milligrams
1 cup spinach, boiled6.43 milligrams
3 oz tuna, canned in water1.3 milligrams
1 packet instant oatmeal, plain10.55 milligrams
1 cup sweet potatoes, canned2 milligrams
1 cup raisins2.73 milligrams
1 square chocolate, unsweetened4.93 milligrams
4 oz lean beef, broiled4.05 milligrams

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